Ken Bradbury was many things: a gifted teacher, loving uncle, brother and friend to thousands in the arts community. Throughout his life, Ken was a Performing Arts educator who also wrote two weekly columns for fourteen newspapers, authored several books, and is recognized as the most published author of speech and forensic material for school competitions. Ken made it his life’s mission to ensure that every young person knows how to stand up and express themselves. To that end, Creative Ideas by Consortium Publishing was born twenty-five years ago. Ken passed away in November 2018 and while the community still mourns his passing, he lives on through his words and the legacy of Creative Ideas.
After Ken’s passing we decided to search for the best home for the works of Creative Ideas. We have found that perfect fit in Green Room Press. Green Room Press is a consortium of publishing companies, including Heuer Publishing, Brooklyn Publishers and Christian Publishers. This group of publishing companies was first established in 1928 and serves the educational, community theatre, and professional theatre markets with plays and musicals from a broad range of distinguished playwrights.